It's been a while since I've loved a movie as much as I love this one. It was wonderful to see Julia's life on screen and to see loving and humorous examples of married life depicted on screen. Afterward, while talking about the movie, my friend noted that a lot of the time in movies, the married couple is having problems, someone is having an affair, etc... It was so refreshing to see two marriages shown to be so positive, uplifting, supportive, and loving.
I left the theater with a huge smile on my face and a deep burning desire to make boeuf bourguignon. And I will make it, once we move to our new apartment next weekend...

Mikey used to run and sit and watch her when he was little! is that not cute!
it's so refreshing to see a "good" marraige relationship depicted in a hollywood movie...that's the main reason "marley & me" was so good - check it out, it's cute. i did think the ending was a little over-the-top, but then i'm not an animal person....
Heh, I always think of you when I see promos for that movie :)
Yep- great movie- even your Dad thought so.
Hi Jason & Liz--it so fun to read your post about the movie and maybe I will go see it now! As you know, I am not a big one for sitting that long any one place (not even in my office and especially not on a plane) but I think your "plug" for it was good. What I really want to know is...did you make boeuf bourguignon yet?
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