Sunday, December 12, 2010

St. Lucia Day, Year Three

It's December 13th again! Well, today is the 12th, but we just decided to do St. Lucia Day a bit early this year. We love this little family tradition, like making ollie bollen on New Year's Eve, even though we're not Swedish, Lutheran, or keepers of saint feast days. We just have an American exchange student to thank.

Hazel did a great job carrying Lucia rolls and cardamom bread to Jason and Klaas this morning. The crown didn't stay on past a brief photo op, but there's always other years when she can balance something on her head while carrying a tray.

We also remembered that two years ago this weekend, Hazel was baptized. What a wonderful occasion to remember and thank God for His blessings and covenant.
And here are Hazel's first and second St. Lucia Days. Last year, being sick while in the early stages of my pregnancy, I didn't have the energy to make a nightgown and sash so we just went with a crown.


Mary and Jim said...

See- it gets easier every year!

Aunt Cheryl said...

I would say she looks much more cheerful this year than I recall the story of last year! Way cute...