Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Like a brick

Today was the second time I used my bread machine and for the second time the results were less than ideal.

It was a whole wheat recipe with molasses and while it tastes pretty good, I think one slice of this stuff is equivalent to 3 of a regular loaf. It didn't rise properly during the kneading/rising section of the process and when I peeked in while it was baking it looked like a toddler had thrown a mass of dough into machine. But I will try again! Anyone have any bread machine tips to ensure a perfect loaf every time?

In other news we played at the park downtown today. It was sunny and semi-warm!


Mary and Jim said...

And Hazel is wearing your sweater! You have to let Ruth S. see this picture- she helped me pick out the sweater at a boutique in Alameda

Grace said...

I had a bread fail yesterday too Liz.
I don't have a bread machine though. I use my kitchen-aid mixer. And While the recipe I use co,es out great almost every time, I rushed through the rising because I started too late to have it ready for lunch.

Shellie said...

I have no advice on bread, but I do think Hazel looks darling.

Mavis said...

you know, my favorite bread recipe is for a bread machine. i just don't have one. ;) i make it anyways. i got it from a health nut lady in the church. the applesauce in it keeps it moist and it's half and half so it's not too heavy.

1 t. yeast
1/2 c. w.w.
1/2 c. unbleached
1 t. salt
1 T applesauce
1 date, softened
1-2 T oil
1-2 T gluten flour (optional)
quick cycle

it's a perfect everyday bread. you should see how your machine kicks it out. sometime there is no pleasing them. *m

Aunt Cheryl said...

I have only used mixes in my bread machine...but haven't used it lately. Guess I am not much help but will try Mavis' recipe sometime myself. Aunt Cheryl