Friday, February 02, 2007

I've had my fill of cannibalism....

Silence of the Lambs was a good movie. Yes, it is disgusting in the premise, but the acting is quite good (Jodie Foster and Anthony Hopkins - good good) and it keeps you on the edge of your seat. Hannibal Lecter is a frightening character, but very interesting at the same time. But having one very scary movie about a cannibal is quite enough.

In college, we went and saw Hannibal, the sequel to Silence of the Lambs, and that was just violence and disgusting shots for the fun of it. Big mistake of going on opening night and waiting in a very long line. (Who's idea was that? It probably was mine or Janae's or Ben's.) The part at the end where Hannibal does something very unsavory (you know what I mean if you've seen the movie) is gross for the sake of being gross. And now there's Hannibal Rising coming out.

I hate the fact that Hollywood makes a good movie that people like and have to keep making 3 or 4 more just to capitalize on the story line. Leave a good thing alone! (Hello...Pirates 2?)

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