Friday, March 31, 2006

You want a chicken salad sandwich? You murderer!

This morning in the paper I read an article about a deli clerk in Spokane. Apparently, this young woman is a vehement vegetarian. So much so, in fact, that she refuses to serve meat sandwiches to anyone who comes into the deli. If someone refuses to order a veggie sandwich, and the owner isn't there, the clerk will send the customer across the street to Quizno's.
The owner usually works the lunch rush and handles all the meat sandwiches himself.
Since the clerk argued that her vegetarian principles were here religious beliefs, the owner didn't want to fire her. But with so many people complaining about the clerk making them feel like a "bad person" for ordering pastrami or turkey, the owner tried to figure out a way to have her no longer work there.
So in exchange for the clerk no longer working at the deli, the owner promised to pay for 2 years of college for the girl.
This was the only way he could get rid of her.

Ok. There are so many things wrong with this scenario, it's ridiculous. But what I'm wondering is, why couldn't I find someone to pay for me to go to grad school?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My question is, why'd he hire her in the first place?

People are strange.

Anonymous said...

Shelling out for two years of college versus buying a box of 200ct disposable latex gloves. People *are* strange.

(As for hiring her, she could've been Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or so forth so that could've been potentially more damaging.)