fry an egg and when it's still cooking, put an English muffin over top of it. Cook until it's done and eat it. Yum. Breakfast is the best meal ever, hands down, even though there are really good foods like chicken parmesean and sushi.
the great thing about breakfast, is if you're really creative, you can a) have breakfast foods at all hours, or b) have those other yummy foods (like ice cream) for breakfast. we live in a postmodern world, so go with it :)
otherwise known as an egg mcmuffin??
the great thing about breakfast, is if you're really creative, you can a) have breakfast foods at all hours, or b) have those other yummy foods (like ice cream) for breakfast. we live in a postmodern world, so go with it :)
oh yes, think of all the category-shattering going on
-jason (look no capitals, how chic of me)
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