Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Oh, the Consequences of 1/2 a Teaspoon of Onion Peel

Well - here is an example of a marital discussion. We have a food catcher in the sink because we don't have a garbage disposal. Tonight after emptying as much as possible into the trash by tapping it extremely hard against the side of the can, I rinsed out about 1/2 teaspoon into the sink. We're talking about five bits of onion peel the size of my pinky nail, one diced piece of onion, and some garlic skin. All tiny, tiny, tiny morsels of food. Jason was insisting that I was going to cause the pipe to block up by the end of the week and that (his words mind you) "we and our neighbors are going to drown in our sleep because one night you're going to leave the sink running and all those little food particles will not let the water through. When that day comes, I am not cleaning out the pipe!" Now, I don't pretend that eventually all those food particles won't clog the sink. They will. My point is that it will happen well in the future. And when would I ever leave the sink running while I go to bed? Jason's just too dramatic. But I still love the guy.

1 comment:

Wesley said...

now, i am een kleine beetje confused. what exactly is the difference between washing "tiny, tiny, tiny morsels of food" down the drain sans a disposal and cutting the food into "tiny, tiny, tiny morsels" avec the disposal and then washing it down the drain? please correct me if i am wrong, but i see no difference...

so, in my opinion the two of you can rest easy and sleep safe...even on those previously thought to be ill-fated nights during which liz might leave the sink running.