Friday, June 18, 2004

Happy Birthday to my Dad

Well - yesterday, the 17th, was my dad's 59th birthday. Hard to believe considering the fact that this is a man who still runs around chasing his chickens out of the garden or gets excited over the sequel to The Bourne Identity which comes out in July. Now I'm not saying that 59 is old, in fact most of my friends think my dad is in his late 40s/early 50s.

Just a bit about my dad, he just started keeping bees as a hobby. We now have two beehives in the backyard and Dad spends most of his spare time reading his bee books and figuring out what the end cost of his honey will be (its up to around $20 a pint). But he has fun, except for last week when one of his hives swarmed and disappeared. I think they got sick of living in the central valley and moved to Florida.

Happy Birthday Dad!

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