Thursday, August 11, 2011

We're here to tell you

that you can do everything you want to do...even while living in an apartment.
Think you can't grow a garden? Just take over the front of your building with homemade raised beds and pots and then your garden will be the envy of all your neighbors and quite the conversation piece.

Just bought a new tent that could sleep 8 grown men? Set it up in your "backyard" and have a little party complete with s'mores and stories read by flashlight. (Our very kind landlord even offered to turn off the sprinklers for us so we could sleep out under the stars if we wanted to. We'll probably take him up on that soon...)


Mary and Jim said...

How BIG is that tent???

Liz said...

It is huge. I'm not kidding when I say 8 grown men could sleep in there comfortably.