Wednesday, January 06, 2010

New Year's

Finally some pictures! Jason and I decided that we would exchange some gifts on New Year's Eve as part of our family traditions so here we go.

My mom made Hazel a new doll, complete with blond hair and blue eyes to match the little Dutch girl.

Jason gave Hazel this awesome alphabet beer stein (for all those beers she consumes) and an egg beater for her future play kitchen, which we're planning on making this coming spring and summer for her birthday. We have great plans! He also picked out an adorable sweater for her...I love it when he picks out gifts for her!

Hazel, with a weird expression, showing off her Dad's clever wrapping skills. He gave me a copy of Julie and Julia and wrapped it in the same way that Jacques and Julia wrap up a veal roast! He also gave me some great new gloves and a CD by my favorite band!

Jason is very happy with his new Johnny Cash reads the New Testatment CDs. It's really great to listen to and reading how Johnny Cash approached the project is really inspiring. He talks about the power of the Word of God and that he didn't want to add anything to it, just speak the words of the Lord and let the innate power it has speak to people.

New Year's Eve we had a great party at our much fun and great food! This was taken near the end of the shindig when we thought it would be fun to put all the baby girls in Hazel's bed (minus 3 year old Lux). All the girls had fun, except for Hazel, who at this point had had too much party and didn't really like having 3 other kids in her bed.


The Loscutoffs said...

Liz...have you ever thought about selling your dolls? They are SO VERY cute!!!

Jason said...

Thanks! Except my mom made that one for Hazel. :)
