As a new mom, I've had about a bazillion questions about Hazel, her patterns, what the heck she's thinking sometimes, etc....
The problem is, you read a book, talk to a nurse, ask my mom, find an article on the internet - and they all say different things! So helpful. I'm sure she's doing fine since she's eating regularly and seems heavier already (10 day check coming up next week and we'll find out her weight again), yet I just want "to be sure" that I'm doing things right.
I'm sure I sound just like the quintessential new mother, but I guess that's what I am. Anyways, the conflicting information is just annoying and confusing. The end.
Mom always knows best (ha!! I wish.)
"exactly how many is a Brazilian?"
The best thing I ever did was pick up a copy of Dr. Spock's book. I read that first sentance...
"You already know more than you think you do"
decided that was great advice and put the book down! Listen to your heart - you know what she needs and what to do. Soon you will learn which cries are for food or cuddles and which are for wet pants - in the mean time just try all three until one works!
If you want to be a good mom just follow Hazel's lead - she will teach you well. And remember, you already know more than you think you do.
Hi, guys--sorry I am a bit behind in reading your posts but I had to agree w/ the comment to follow Hazel's lead. I still remember everyone being worried b/c Renee' wasn't gaining "enough wt." and being petite--she turned out after all and at 5'9" she will never be going back into the petite section of the store. Love to you all, Aunt Cheryl
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