Saturday, April 08, 2006

Egg Salad Continued and Gardening

I asked about egg salad because the other day I decided to make myself one. I hadn't had any in a while. My husband pronounced the activity "distgusting." But when I was little, our babysitter, Ramona, would take us to visit her friend Betty. We would always have lunch together. It was a huge treat and what did we have? Egg salad sandwiches and coke.

I think it's yummers, but that's just me.

Well it's Saturday. And I was going to go ouside to clean up my new garden space, but of course it's April and it's raining. Sadness.

But my indoor garden is doing great! Here's my amaryllis which finally decided to bloom.

And we're starting a vegetable garden! Woohoo! I guess I am a little bit like my mom.

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Wesley said...

since you bring up the topic again, i must once again renew my objection to egg salad sandwiches...especially since you have sullied the good name of coke by suggesting one consume the pair together!

Anonymous said...

The last anonymous post was from your dad, NOT ME. Love, Mom

Wesley said...

on second thought, compared to a tuna salad and banana sandwich, egg salad doesn't sound too bad.

ps...whenever i visit i get annoying pop-ups...what's up with that?