Tuesday, March 14, 2006

What to do...

Does this look like a sky from the quintessential spring break? Jason said I should be more positive, but I completely miss California right now. Did I mention that it snowed today?

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Just a picture of two lovely ladies cooking.

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Anonymous said...

We haven't exactly been enjoying warm, sunny weather either. "March Weather Madness" is what the news is calling it. It hailed like you wouldn't believe in Stockton today. It looked like it had snowed. But I guess this probably isn't very encouraging, is it? Rest assured, my dear! Spring (and warmer weather) shall come your way.

Anonymous said...

Think how much you will appreciate it when it comes- unlike us jaded southern folk! Although the pictures of the snow on blooming daffodils did kind of get me. And you Dad's bees are going to get hungry!! Sassy won't even go outside unless we force her. Enjoy Coeur d'Alene on Friday!

Alexandra said...

The other night I was driving my friends home from a bbq, but when we got into my car, we discovered it had been iced over. "Don't you have a scraper?" asked my friend who's from Colorado? "No, this is Southern California, when would I need an ice scraper?!" Oh that's right: at that very moment. *sigh*

Wesley said...

true, true...it is not all rainbows and butterflies out here. i have spent many a night using my id badge from work to de-ice my windshield and the other night it snowed in rhonert park!