Tuesday, January 10, 2006

And we're back.

Quite a bit has happened since my last post. We've been in California for two weeks and are now back in cold, dry Idaho. But it's nice to be back to a normal routine and all the usual stuff.

Since we were gone for so long and we had oh so many adventures, I won't be able to stuff them all into one post. But for a summary:

1. Jason's sister Sara got married last week - Congratulations!
2. On the way home, we needed an oil change. In Davis we stopped at a Kragen to ask where a Jiffy Lube was. Jason came back out to the car with a sheepish look on his face and thanked me for sending him into the lion's den. We (meaning I) had driven right past one on our way to the Kragen.
3. Miranda the cat was a perfect little traveling companion who did not complain about being stuck in a cage for 16 hours. Though when she got to California, she immediately shed her winter coat all over us and proceeded to be a terror to the cats already in residence at my parent's house.
4. We had two fun jaunts to San Francisco all in the same day. One was to celebrate Janae's college graduation and the other was about 12 hours later when we drove back to SFO to pick up some guests for the wedding.
5. My sister went down to L.A. to see David and the Rose Bowl Parade and got completely dumped on. But at least she was on tv!
6. We ate delicious Japanese food with my cousin, Wes, and Ben. Yum.

That's a few of the things we did while home. Now back to getting ready for work and making sure the cat doesn't do anything crazy.


Wesley said...

hey, that reminds me...ben owes me $20!

Anonymous said...

Rats! What a bummer to have missed you. I'm glad you were able to come "home" for a visit. Hugs from not-too-terribly-cold-yet CA.