Tuesday, December 20, 2005

A few random comments....

It has been a while since I last posted and a few things have happened, so this will be slightly random.

1. I went to LA for transcriptionist training a few weeks ago. Summary: so boring to stay at a hotel in the middle of El Segundo with no rental car and nothing around but a Barnes & Noble and an Old Navy.
(Though I did get to see several of VH1's "40 Greatest...." and "40 Worst..." lists - you could pick any category and they probably have a program on it. I also got to watch a clip from the 1970s with Bing Crosby and David Bowie singing The Little Drummer Boy. Odd combination, yet mesmerizing.)

2. Jason finished up school for the quarter and I'm off for a few weeks, so hurrah for December! Right now he's working out at a friend's house, installing insulation underneath the house. Their pug, Little Lord Fauntleroy, keeps getting under the house with Jason and taking naps on his legs while he's working. I am keeping busy by actually getting my housework done, finishing up presents, and organizing our office.

3. Today we opened up our utilities bill. Just so you can compare, last month, with the heat on at least every couple days, the bill was $56. Today, I nearly had an aneurysm when I saw that this month's bill was $149.99. That's right. That is how much it costs to keep a tiny 2 bedroom apartment at 65 degrees for a month. Jason immediately ran over to turn the heat down to 45 degrees. We are now planning on wearing 2 sweaters and 3 pairs of socks at all times. But really, what does the electricity company expect us to do? Freeze? I am only slightly annoyed. Now it's official folks: we're broke. So if you would like to contribute to The Don't Let Jason and Liz Die from Freezing to Death in Their Bed At Night Fund I will conveniently put a PayPal link on the sidebar.

I think the electric company is getting a strongly-worded letter from me this week.

4. On a lighter note, we are enjoying this week off together. It's always nice for your husband not to have homework at night. We've been hanging out with our friends and playing games. (By the way, all boys are cheaters when it comes to CatchPhrase.)

So have a happy December 20th!


Wesley said...

while you were in el segundo did you stop by el primero and el tercero also?

Alexandra said...

hey don't forget your rockin pick-up from the airport, complete with being pulled over by the police! (for late registration, not because i was doing anything illegal)