Thursday, April 07, 2005

Which is more important, sleep itself or a place to sleep?

Here I am in Moscow, hanging out while Jason does some homework and I fall asleep as I type. Jason started a paper route a few weeks ago, and while it does pay pretty well, I'm really hoping I can keep up with it. I got into town yesterday, so this morning was my first time doing a paper route in about 6 years. At that time, my friend Wes and I spent a quite hilarious (everything is hilarious at 5 o'clock in the morning and you're giddy) summer delivering papers. But now that I'm an old lady of nearly 23 years, I may not be able to keep up with this schedule. I'm tired! But I think I'll be able to handle it and it's a way that we would be able to pay rent, which is much more important than a lack of sleep in my opinion.

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