Thursday, September 09, 2004

Is This For Someone's Amusement?

I'm sure you all have experienced those automatic toilet flushers that they now have in airport bathrooms. Of course the University of California can't be ranked as "lagging" in implementing public bathroom technology advancements, so the good people that brought you a cow with a hole in her stomach can now provide you with an stress-free restroom experience.

Except if you're me that is.

I went to the restroom today and, like any good citizen, got a seat cover, put it down, turned around and...the toilet flushed. Confused, I repeated the process....only to have it flush again. Getting a little angrier, I grabbed my third seat cover, put it in place, moved a little too far to the left and.....flush! This happened several times more until I managed to confuse the censor by waving my hand in front of it. In its efforts to be efficient, the flusher managed to waste a lot of paper product and made my restroom experience much more stressful than I had originally imagined.


Wesley said...

i'm confused...which UC were you at today?

ps..."cow with a HOLE in her stomach"

Jason said...

If you would look at the date, it was from 2004 Mr. Smarty.