Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It's been snowing and snowing here.  So this is what we've done the last few days.  Lots of playing cowboy/cowgirl, looking at the snow, and working on our needlepoint.  And wearing pink fluffy earmuffs. 

The other day, I had a documentary about the building of the Panama Canal playing on the computer.  Hazel stopped to take a look and said, "Oh Mom!  That's where we live!"  Wishful thinking perhaps?

She's very interested in chimneys and points them out wherever we go.

She and Klaas like to play cowboy/cowgirl together and ride their moose and elephant around the house.



Shellie said...

Isn't their a song about "you make me laugh, you make me smile." Because that is what Hazel and Klaas, those uber cute children do for me.

Aunt Cheryl said...

Love the photos and looks like they are having so much fun! Pretty fancy purple dresss for a cowboy though--maybe a cowgirl princess?