Thursday, April 15, 2010

Birthday time

Today is Jason's 28th birthday! I know that some of you long for the days when you were in your late twenties, but for us it seems amazing that we're just two years away from 30. We'll be having some friends over for dessert tomorrow and he has requested Black Forest Cake and a caramel cheesecake with a caramel-pear topping. So we'll see how those turn out.

Here is a picture of my wonderful husband last summer with Hazel. One thing I love about him is his ever-changing facial hair styles. Maybe one day I'll go through all the pictures and do a retrospective.

I made a little birthday banner for us to use for all of the family birthdays and I'm quite happy with how it turned out.
Jason is lucky since his birthday is separate from every other family event. Everything else is takes place within one month: July-August. He said the other day jokingly that we should just combine all the birthdays and the anniversary into one event. I said maybe not.


Grace said...

Liz! I love the banner.
Happy Birthday Jason!

Mary and Jim said...

Happy Birthday Jason! The banner is great, Liz. It reminds me of the one we had for your for years after a birthday at Calvin Crest!

AnneMarie said...

Happy Birthday Jason! Hope you all had a great day!

Elissa said...

I didn't realize Clay and Jason's birthdays were only a day apart. Love the banner!