Sunday, March 28, 2010

Birds on a Wire

We went to the Birds on a Wire folk festival this weekend and had a great time! It was a two-day event, that started last year as a one-evening concert in Moscow. It is an outgrowth of Stereopathic Music and Stereopathic Sessions, a local radio show started by two friends, Larson and Josh. Larson has gotten into music promotions and this festival is his brainchild.

This year the event was two days and had over thirty bands and solo artists performing. Check out the link above and listen to some of the amazing musicians. I loved Joe Pug, Rocky Votolato, and Laura Gibson (who I got to see perform last year as well). Sera Cahoone was also wonderful - basically everyone there were great artists and super talented. I'll also mention Hueco and Goldfinch; I can't single anyone out as the best.

Jason and I went by ourselves Friday night and it was a nice little date night of listening to music and visiting with friends. Saturday afternoon we all went and Hazel had a great time of listening and dancing in the back of the auditoriums. I think she really liked Goldfinch's rendition of Joleen and Sera Cahoone, but I can't say for sure, just going on her level of "getting down" during those acts.

1 comment:

Grace said...

That so fun that you all got to go. We, and by we I mean the kids and I passed on the whole deal. Joel got to see almost everything. Maybe next year we'll all make it.

By the way, you two are super cute.