Saturday, September 15, 2007

This weekend...

is turning out to be quite interesting.

First off, it is never a good sign when your husband calls you and the very first thing he says is, "We have renter's insurance, right? But of course, renter's insurance doesn't cover the kitchen floor of your apartment, only your own posessions.

I'm in California right now and last night Jason accidentally flooded our kitchen and caused some water damage both to our floor and the ceiling of our downstairs neighbor. Whoops. I have no idea how bad it is since I'm not there, but hopefully our landlord is understanding and not incredibly angry when she hears about it from the maintenance man. Needless to say, Jason is quite upset and sorry about what happened, so I'm praying that we can fix it and still get back some of our security deposit. (Is that just Pollyanna thinking?) So that was poor Jason's Friday night.

Secondly, it's always interesting when you answer a phone call from your husband and he asks to know why in the world you put a banana in the dishwasher.

In my defense, I have no recollection of placing a banana in the silverware tray of our dishwasher, but since Jason never touches bananas, I'm assuming it had to have been me. So now we have a very clean, rotten banana at home.

Who knows what will happen next? It's only 10am on Saturday...there are so many possibilites.

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