about California. Well, there are actually a lot of things I miss about California. But the other day I was drove home from work and it took all of about 30 seconds. (Call me a gas-guzzler, but when it is 35 degrees outside, I don't always feel like walking.)
I was singing along with Kelly Clarkson and realized that I completely miss commuting. Now everyone is like, "What?!" Now, you might be upset at my revelation of liking Kelly Clarkson, but really, you should listen to her. (Since You've Been Gone is akin to Shakespeare.) Fun stuff. Anyways. I miss commuting. There's just something about whizzing down I-80 back to Davis during rush hour and spending an hour on a trip that should only take 20 minutes. You get to listen to the radio, sing along with pop music that you would never admit to listening to, and hear all the day's news on NPR. There is absolutely nothing like California driving. My mother-in-law discovered this when she was ticketed for speeding while driving down from Spokane last week. You can't just drive like a Californian in eastern Washington and Idaho (aka 80 mph). I can't wait for December!
what?!?! no speeding allowed?!?! well count me out! anywho...crazy lady! i'll galdly take your 30 second jaunt over my 40 minute/10 mile trek to school anyday.
You are one sick puppy if you really miss commuting...
Anytime you want to come down and do my driving for me, you are more than welcome. The other day it took me an hour and 45 minutes to drive what should have been 25 minutes on the 10 freeway. But yes, yay for December!
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