oh yes...it's Thanksgiving!
Well it's Monday, 4 days before Thanksgiving, and I am slightly unprepared. So today after work there is going to be a frenzy of activity at the S homestead (ok ok....the S's tiny apartment). I do have the turkey though (23 cents a pound, thank you very much) and it is having a grand time defrosting in the fridge.
My mum and dad and sister are all coming up to celebrate, therefore it will be the first time I have ever cooked a turkey and the first time I have ever stuck my hand inside of the dead bird to retrieve its giblets. (I have usually let my mom or sister do that in previous years.) But I am looking forward to it and the accompanying food. I found a great recipe for sage and onion roasted turkey. Yumm! I know that we are going to have way too much food, but that means leftovers!
So I will keep you updated with our Thanksgiving preparations.
And speaking of food, I learned that you cannot serve your husband a bowl of butternut squash for dinner and not get a look of "Is this all?" in return. The other day I wasn't very hungry, didn't have much in the house, and didn't feel like going to the store. So I roasted some squash, sweetened it, and served us each a bowl. I handed it to Jason and he asked, "Is this really all we're having?" Now I shouldn't be surprised because when I make dinner, I always make more than I think we need and it's gone.
So, Jason went into the kitchen, found a frozen pizza that I had forgotten about, and we had that in addition to the squash.
In my defense, I made some awesome chili and cornbread the other day.
turkey tip...don't forget the neck...i left it in last year
good for him...a cup of roasted butternut squash does not a meal make
AHA! So you ARE still around! Well, at least now I know what you've been up to. Butternut squash sounds good to me. Tell Jason to stop complaining (hehe--j/k).
So you two coming to Cali for Christmas?
Miss you!
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