Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!

Well, Turkey Day finally arrived and with it my realization that I simply could not stick my hand inside a dead bird. So I did not do the turkey. Anne did.

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This was our Thanksgiving table all nicely set.

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The yummy pies. We were going to make a pecan one too, but then I thought that 4 pies for 5 people was just ridiculous.

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My lovely husband carving the turkey.

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Yams....yummy! (alliteration is fun.)

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Miss Miranda enjoying her giblets.

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The fam.

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This is case you didn't know what we looked like.

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It was a really good day....yummy food! And the next day we had some fantabulous food at a European breakfast place. And the day after that we made crepes! (Can you tell the weekend revolved around food?)


j3® ® y said...

Jason! You look so... so... DOMESTIC!!!

Wesley said...

thanks for the pics...i was beginning to forget what ya'all looked like.

Anonymous said...

Come now, Jer, that's a huge knife I'm holding there. What you don't see is my hyper-awarness of the situation and my preparedness to defend our home from any would be turkey theives. So if by domestic you mean Liz has me cleaned up, I grant that. Make no mistake though, that doesn't mean I'm pumpkin-pie safe. As you know a man with a family is twice as dangerous as any bachelor. ;)

Alexandra said...

weekends that don't revolve around food are just plain wrong.
nice pics by the by!

Wesley said...

i found the perfect place for the good judge while looking at your photos...i think she would feel right at home on the buffet in front of the window!