She has been quite entertaining, especially tonight. A person from church came over to pick up something. Her 2 year-old daughter, whom we have never met, came through the front door, saw Miranda, screamed "KITTY!" and ran towards the kitten on the couch. Miranda, completely not used to this immediately tensed up. I came over, told the little girl to be gentle with the kitty, and thought the situation under control. I turned around to talk to the mom and the next thing we knew, Miranda was up over the couch, onto the record player and ricocheting off the wall. In this whole process, she knocked over a poster which crushed a power strip's plugs. Let no one say that young cats aren't completely spastic.
Here are some more pictures for your viewing delight.

And yes, we are aware she looks like the cat Daniel, at my parent's house.
Looks like,... how about clone!! Cute little grandcat- hope she isn't as high-strung as Daniel!
i love daniel so im glad your new cat looks like him! also, because of the striking similarity, i have decided to call your new feline friend daniel deux rather than miranda...hope you don't mind.
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